Monday, March 9, 2009

2nd posting-How blogging can assist language learners to improve and enhance their writing skill?

One of my favourite metablogs, Skelliewag, recently published a post saying that, in blogging, your writing style is not as important as your ability to get your ideas across, and that traditional print writing style can be a hindrance in blogging.

I think Skellie is half right. Blog writing style is different to the various print writing styles - it’s usually shorter for a start. If you’re writing an informative post, it is more important to be informative, than it is to have great style. Blogging is about communicating first and foremost, and to get started communicating you only need to get your idea across.
On the other hand, if you want to be remembered, in part you need to be distinctive. You need to better than every other mediocre writer with good ideas. You need to find your own voice. And some of the great writing advice you can get will help you find yourself - cutting out the excess and leaving the worthy.
I’m probably the last person to tell you how to write. I don’t think I have a great writing style. I’m not a natural writer. I haven’t taken classes in writing - in fact my last English lesson was when I was 16 years old, and I’ve no intention of starting that up again. But I am making an effort to improve my writing.
I think that my ideas are good, and I want them to be enhanced, not hindered, by my use of language.
The great thing about blogging, is that you tend to do it little and often. Most blogs that are read widely are updated at least once a week. In a given year, you’ve got at least 52 opportunities to incrementally improve your writing skills.
I think the best way of taking advantage of your blogging schedule to improve your writing skills, is to write your post and then edit it. Writing on it’s own, won’t improve your skills, it will only display them as they are. Improving your writing skills, I think, means improving your editing and rewriting skills. Once the ideas are in place, improving and rewriting your language to better communicate those ideas just takes practice.
Although I notice good writing whilst I’m reading, I am not skilled at deconstructing it to find out why the writing style works so well. Although I’m sure that anyone can absorb good writing style by reading widely and reading well, my best resource for trying to improve my own writing is On Writing Well by William Zinsser. This book is pretty much an instruction manual for developing non-fiction writing skills. It explains what works, and why.
One of the features and selling points of my personal finance blog, is that I’m British and part of a small and growing band of non-American personal finance bloggers. I can help maintain this difference, regardless of my topic, by using a British English writing idiom. For this reason, On Writing Well is particularly helpful for me. Even though it’s an American book, it doesn’t rely too heavily on the idioms, style and taste of American English but instead focuses more on the general attributes of good English not peculiar to one country.
Writing is a skill that you need to cultivate to improve your blog, just as you need to cultivate SEO skills, or design skills, or coding skills. Certainly, you can be successful whilst being mediocre at any or all of them if you have great ideas, but you probably wouldn’t be reading Blogthority if you didn’t want to improve your writing skill.
Links to my favourite articles
Links to blog which I enjoy reading
Feedback: I love to read articles on Stephen King and Sidney Sheldon because they are my favourite writers. Their unique style of writing and ideas really captivate my mind. Their books can keep me awake from the 1st page and I will be in an addicted state till the end. 'lameleftygirl2' is a close friend of mine-Maureen Chua. She has a good sense of producing high quality writing and she is able to possess or express her ideas, loud and clear. Her words have certain impact and catch others' attention. Reading articles online and blogs give me a wider idea and develop my idea-building system thus improving my writing skill. Besides, I get to learn how citizens from different age level and status think nowadays.


  1. Wohoho Esther.. I am really honored to be placed alongside Kenny Sia as the blog which you enjoyed reading.. lol.. You should have put or other high-profile blogs there instead of my junior, amateur, humble, mad blog.. Lol.. And thanks for the compliment, though i should say that the quality of my writing is still low.. Lol..

    Wow, I love Sidney Sheldon (may he rest in peace) too!!! And thanks for recommending a lot of writing-improvement help books.. I would definitely look for them in the library or visit the website you recommended because I really need to improve my writing skill (urgently)... Thanks a lot!! By the way, I like your intro in this post because it started with a quote.. I wish i can do that in my writing test, but usually,I can't find a relevant quote for the topic being discussed.. -_-

    I guess to write well, is to use a good and simple English vocabularies and not overusing the bombastic words.. But at the same time, we should not repeat the same word all over again.. (like what i always do during my writing which made my LSP teacher lectured me for not using variety words with the same meaning to make the composition more interesting).. Huhu~~

    And finally, a good writing, is definitely what we can see in this blog... ;)

  2. i like your style of writing...enjoy reading your masterpiece*laugh*...this blog is created under another subject..Bahasa dan Teknologi Maklumat. i am glad that it can be of help to you. I need to improve mine too. We are still learning, striving to reach the peak but i guess there is no end when it comes to knowledge...hope to share more on our ideas and opinions in every fields..just like our good old days...A million thanks to your comment, pal!

  3. Hi Esther,

    your 2nd posting is good because you quote Skellie. I did access his blog anfd i think you can enhance your writing skills when once you found your "own, unique voice" for your blog. Keep on writing in your blog ok!

    Dr. Zaini
